linework header phonetics


The battle of data

The battle of data

Linework is very sensitive to the safety of its users who, in order to make the most of the ecosystem offered by the application and manage their digital assets at 360°, must be protected by the best security measures imaginable, especially to guarantee their privacy.

Singapore, a global “hub” of innovation

Singapore a global hub of innovation

Considered as one of the four asian tigers at dawn of XXI century, with Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, more than 20 years later we can still hear Singapore roaring when talking about adoption and use of cryptocurrencies. 8.000 miles and 6 hours of time zone away from us, Singapore has a say in […]

Nigeria: an unexpected journey

Nigeria unexpected journey cover

Alongside the development of the App from the inside, Linework has developed several activities among local communities around the world. Both in Nigeria and El Salvador, Linework App has spreaded, accompanied by non-profit initiatives, such as free food distribution and providing discounts on medicines.  In the previous article dedicated to Nigeria, the most densely populated nation […]

Join Linework Social Network

Join spiral social network

Join Linework Social Network ! It is a platform that provides a unique feature that enables users to select one or multiple locations where their feeds can be visible, making it easier to reach their desired audience.

Linework’s fight against women’s violence

linework's fight against women's violence

Linework’s fight against women’s violence! Here’s what Press told about us  on the occasion of the Giornata Internazionale per l\’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne ( International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), which took place on November 29th, 2022, many initiatives were organized throughout Italy to raise awareness about this serious social […]

Linework in Dealflower website

Linework in dealflower website

We are delighted to read about Linework in Dealflower website,a digital economic-financial magazine and Web TV, launched in 2021, which aims to tell the world of business in an innovative way, through news and interviews, events, social content and data journalism tools.

Linework\’s on Yahoo Finance

Yahoo finance

Linework’s on Yahoo Finance! They wrote about us, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! As a growing businessa, we are always seeking to increase our visibility and share our story with a wider audience, and having Yahoo Finance feature us is a significant achievement. In the following article you can find what they told about […]

The Linework App

Linework app cover

The Linework App is available now! Linework, the leading Italian fintech firm that specializes in blockchain-based DeFi and NFT solutions, has unveiled its new proprietary platform – the Linework App!. In the Linework App you can manage a vast range of features and services, and find an immersive, fully customizable experience that covers 360 degrees. This whole ecosystem moves around […]

Linework Business Games

Business game cover

Linework Business Games, an innovative recruitment format designed for young people, replaces traditional selection phases with interviews. Through a day of contests, participants have the opportunity to showcase their talents by tackling specially created business cases tailored to meet different recruitment needs, while also getting to know the staff and the company dynamics. Linework Business Games aims to […]